Mid-term review IDN 265 - ITB Only
The Dutch-funded Niche/IDN/265 project focuses on curriculum improvement net of the ICZM and IWRM curricula in place at respectively ITS and ITB. As the project is half-way its implementation, with some activities being carried out and others yet to be started, it is appropriate to obtain feedback from the lecturers, students and management staff involved in the progress and find out more about project progress and on expectations for the future. In this report, only the responses of ITB lecturers, students and management staff are visible.
You can click on a dot to read or listen to the experiences of lecturers, students and management staff with the project. Clicking on a dot enlarges the dot in that particular question and highlights this persons answers everywhere in the report allowing you to trace this person’s answers. Clicking on a dot a second time will close the story. It is also possible to trace several people at the same time. Read your own story and that of others now!
Experiences with the project
We asked lecturers, students and management staff to share a story about a specific experience they had during the project. This story (positive, negative or neutral) could be all can be about any moment that they find valuable to share. It can be about new knowledge, new connections, new exposure, or anything else that you find worthwhile describing, in relation to the project IDN265.
What was your story mostly related to?
What occurred in my story happened ...
Which parties were involved in this story?
The tone of voice in my story is ... combined with Group
The tone of voice in my story is (x-axis) + What occurred in my story happens (y-axis)
Participation in the project
Besides the story, we've asked lecturers, students and management staff some questions about the project in general. These are not necessarily related to the stories, but concern experiences with the project in general.
How have you been involved with the project?
To which of the following goals do you believe the project has been contributing most?
Since my participation in the project, my view on adequate educational approaches for the water sector changed ...
In general, the hopes and expectations that I have had of the project are ...
Because of this project, we now interact more with ...
The level of the new curriculum is ...
Insights and Gains
What are benefits or insights you have gained during the project?
- additional skills
- new experience and knowledge about integrated coastal zone management and the relation between curriculum development in TPSDA ITB
- add new knowledge in coastal sector especially related to Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
- Increase students role in their knowledge gain processes, update our approach in utilizing advancement of technology in education, curriculum updates.
- - discover new programming technique
- Future problem solving using public domain softwares as the tools for water engineering decision making, ICT facilities I.e. Hydroinformatics Laboratory to support student assignments as well as academic staff research
- To learn how to plan the assignment 1 for the students, learning delf3d, microcontroller, qgis
- Learn more
- Benefit for our institution (ITB) is we get recommendation about what kind of curriculum that is useful for graduate, fulfil the needs, and know what to do in real life.
- This project is very helpful to widening knowledge and see the reclamation in new perspective
- I get new input, like we have an idea of what to do in Indonesia for long term solution so it can maintain the sustainability between supply and demand especially in water resources.
- innovative methods to plan appropriate solutions to address existing problems
- insights on iczm in particular, experience of open discussions with officials and policy makers
- That to create a professional human resources, we needs collaboration from all parties in a government system. And it is a long-term project that requires commitment from all parties.
- There are a lot of benefits because we have to improve our insight for balancing the students because field study will improve their thinking ability and self development of themselves
- knowledge that I didn't receive on class
- Spreading the ecological hydraulis with government policy support
- Broadening my view in IWRM
- Not all people have intellectual background so we have to be adaptive to face any kind of people
- I explored the Jakarta City for the first time for free and that's a very nice thing. I also learned a lot about how to run a project (Giant Sea Wall). Thank you sir.
- he was taught how to interview people better
- He gained moral value not to underestimate people.
- Got much more broader perspective in planning something
- The problems of Jakarta, I know more about it. And also how to design a masterplan.
- From this project, I get many information that I didn't know before such as land subsidence in Jakarta.
- 1. I learned how to speak for informations that are needed. 2. I learned how to think realistically for solutions with a named problem.
- How my peers think?
- That land subsidence in Jakarta really happened and now, that problem is really crucial and need to solve
- Opinions about solution for the problem and how to create a good masterplan
- To make a masterplan, we need to interact directly to the people and the other stakeholders. Besides that, I know that Indonesia still has a problem in water resources
- New perspective about gender issue
- Know more opinions related to gender issues
- Alya become aware of her surroundings about gender issue
- More interaction and sharing news with other institutions development of coastal zone
What have you done with the gains or insights that you obtained through the project?
- I apply this on my research and education
- planning and addopt the hydroinformatic laboratory in TPSDA ITB
- update and enhance teaching course materials
- Adjust of teaching strategy towards better learning process, tell/share students on how to obtain data using a DIY remote acquisition system. Emphasize students to learn open source software (such as Q Gis)
- - apply it on weir design
- The use of phyton and next for students implemented to final project for students and how to meet the future curriculum to anticipate future problem solving
- to implemnet to undergraduate course moduls
- Finishing my task
- I express my opinion on the reclamation project.
- One of this project is about the training of python software, this really help me in working on my final project. From this i discover new coefficient which related to the spillway and helps me with the design and the analysis. From this seminar, we also get a lot of input a new topic to discuss in student community and also suggestion to the government
- use this planning methods on other aspecs, such as in competition and students organizations
- What I do is take advantage of the benefits themselves to be able to develop myself and my personality
- I become more open minded ang try to spread the benefits to people around me
- I try my hardest to improve my ability in developing my knowledge due to the field requirement and technology development
- nothing too important, just for personal insight because I am still learning on college
- Change the public regulation
- Improved my teaching courses
- Not yet
- Well I might have done a little with it, but in the future I think it will make me do things easier and better when I once become an engineer and really take part in a big developmental project.
- He could get better information from interviewing people
- he never underestimate people again.
- Not yet
- I have become more concern of the environmental problems especially in my surroundings
- I care more about Jakarta, like I don't litter anymore. Even though it is only a minor cause, but it can give impact to flood in Jakarta.
- I do well in organisations, thinking for solutions.
- Nothing
- I start to care more about environment
- Creating better solutions to the problem
- Shared the knowledge to others about this issue
- I took decision not only based on my old perspective but with my new perspective especially when it relate to gender issue.
- I assist three persons with Delft3D
- More understanding of the opinions of others
- Done nothing yet
- Generally the participants did not know about the importance of the problem related to social, political, and economic to the coastal zones
Wishes for the future
What do you need more of to continue or follow-up on applying new gains or insights?
In your opinion what would the project need to do more of?
In my view the gender balance in our courses is …
Can you explain your answer?
- I don’t see the gender difference
- too many male students
- Lack of support and opportunities to participate for female lecturers. Lack of facilities for women work, especially regarding pregnancy conditions-new childbirth.
- In my view it's not an issue; however I need some advice / comments.
- it is not big problem in indonesia
- There is no discrimination and excellent equity among gender
- The gender issues come when we question them
- There is no gender issue
- As an academist, I dont have friends or listening to the gender equality issues
- there ar no gender issues in the world of professionalism, and indeed for the real world or field, there are ethics due to culture in Indonesia itself that we must understand
- Because I think in Indonesia, especially on campus, there is no issue about gender differences. That both men and women are able to do everything as long as it is desirable and necessary.
- Gender equality had been applied in Indonesia. It is started from Kartini who did a lot changes in women issues. Now, women have been leading in government or private sector on any profession. There are a lot of things to be proud from women without ruling of men. Women tend to be more care and can solve the problems without violence
- We have been taught in balance gender since childhood
- In educated community, gender balance is not an issue. In rural areas, gender is part of the cultural custom.
- I dont really care about that topic. I view them as the same.
- It doesn't really matter if you're a male or a female, in this course we do the same things and we do together .
- he just dont see any problem
- he didn't see any problem
- While there are some little things that affect the course, its not that much of a deal
- Gender is never be an issue and never will be as we have to respect each other depends on their attitudes
- In my major, the guys do the body shaming on us that makes us down. So I think its problematic and it is not gender balance.
- It is not an issue, we feel it, just, no issue about gender balance in our course
- Like, most us us don't see it as an issue
- Body shaming is still the problem at this college, I know some of boys think it is just a joke, but I think sometimes they take too much as this jokes.
- Adjusted with the ability
- Gender equality is not really an issue
- Everybody is treated equally.
- Adjusted with the ability
- I feel the gender inequality is not really a big issue although it happens
- Male and female participants are balance
Who are the storytellers?