Final evaluation Women and youth as bridge builders in Libya programme

The programme ‘Women and Youth as Bridge builders: Strengthening Resilience in Libya’ (2016-2019) was implemented by Cordaid and Human Security Collective. The programme aimed to increase the collective voice of local activists and civil society organizations (CSOs) working at community level and national level on the topic of women, peace and security. The vision of this programme was to contribute to an enabling environment for women’s participation and empowerment in Libya allowing CSOs, activists, men and women to play their role as bridge builders to increase human security and to contribute to a culture of peace in Libya.

What can you find here?

This site shows you the online report of findings from a questionnaire filled out by activists. This was part of the end-term evaluation that took place from January-April 2021. It contains stories describing how the programme changed their perception of themselves and how they acted as bridgebuilders. It also contains information on their sense of security, networking and plans for the future.

How to navigate?

When you scroll down, you will see graphs containing many dots. Each dot represents one answer. The colour of the dot indicates the gender of the respondent, or the region they are from. If you hover over a dot with your mouse, you will find some more information about the respondent. If you want to go a bit more in depth, you can click on a dot. On the left side of your screen, you can read a story that the respondent shared. If you click on a dot, you will also see that the dot becomes slightly bigger in the graph. In other graphs, the dots representing answers given by the same respondent, will also become slightly bigger. So, you can see which dots belong to the same person.

Who are the respondents

The following Libyan CSOs took part in the programme: Al Nour, Dialogue and Debate Association, Fezzan Libya Group, Goodness has Brought us Together, Makers of Hope, I am Libyan, but my Child is Not, Tamazight Women Movement, and Together We Build It. Respondents from all organisations participated in this final evaluation, except Dialogue and Debate Association.




Perception of self as bridge builder

Has your view on yourself as a bridge builder changed since your participation in the programme?

How the programme changed the view of self as a bridge builder.

Stories about acting as a bridge builder

Story about a time when you played a role as a bridge builder at the community level, or a time when you were advocating for women’s rights?

In my story, I tried to:

The story that I shared is...

How would you rate your level of influence in your story?

Contribution of the programme

In which program workshops have you participated so far?

In the story that you shared of your role as a bridge-builder, which of the following programme interventions helped you the most? (select maximum 3)

To what extent did the programme respond to your needs in your role as a bridge builder?

What for you was the ONE most memorable moment of the program?

Personal safety situation

In your experience, has your personal safety situation changed compared to the start of the programme?

The programme improved my awareness / knowledge / tools on how to mitigate security threats...

Influence and Safety


Participating in the programme has helped me to feel more a part of a network of bridge builders in Libya...

Feeling more part of a network of bridge builders internationally

Plans for after the programme ends

Which of the following options below best describes your plans for after the programme ends?

If you wish, please elaborate on your answer to the previous question