Palestinian Affairs Traffic circle. Photo by: Afnan Salahat

The youth of Baqaa camp believe that change is possible and that human security is achievable. In the period from March 2023 to May 2023, a group of young people from Baqaa camp conducted a participatory action research using the Spockler story collection tool. Their aim was to improve and develop the area of the Baqaa camp by learning about the problems the people in the camp suffer from and that threaten their human security. This will lead to the creation of initiatives that will contribute to addressing the problems that threaten human security in the Baqaa camp. The main objective of the research is to improve the living conditions of the camp's residents, especially marginalized groups, by understanding the lived realities of the camp and identifying the dynamics that inhibit the improvement of living conditions in the camp. The research team relied in this research on the methodology of story collection as stories are the way through which people make sense of the world around them. Stories provide information to understand people's lived realities and lifestyles. A second methodology that was relied upon was the analytical description. Several research tools were used, such as the Sprockler story collection tool, focus groups, and one-to-one meetings. The research attempted to answer the following two main questions: How do stereotypes affect the human security of camp residents? What is the reason for the formation of the negative stereotype about the Baqaa camp and what role does the cleanliness of the camp play in the formation of these stereotypes? With their bold steps, these young men and women prove that they are not just witnesses but drivers of positive change. They identified challenges, proposed solutions, and involved camp residents. This research towards achieving human security led by youth of the Baqaa camp invites you to further analysis and reflection.

About the Baqaa Camp

The story of the Baqaa camp is a story of human security and solidarity. The Baqaa camp is considered as one of the bright faces of the solidarity and steadfastness of Palestinians who lost their homes in the 1948 war. The camp was established as one of the six "emergency" camps in Jordan in 1968 to accommodate displaced people after the 1967 war.

About the Storytellers



Educational level

What is your relationship with civil society?

About Human Security in the Baqaa Camp

Sprockler's questionnaire, which was used as a participatory research tool, was based on the story question: “Tell us about a story or experience, whether it happened to you or to someone you know, that affected you negatively because you are a resident of the Baqaa camp?” In response to this question, camp residents shared a number of stories expressing the threats they face inside and outside the camp that affect their sense of security. These stories highlighted in particular the stereotypes that camp residents suffer from, which affects their personal lives, directly and indirectly. From the following data, we can learn more about the frequency of these stories and how they affect the sense of self-confidence among camp residents. Click on the points to read the full stories.

How does this story affect your feeling of self-confidence?

How often did this story take place?

Negative stereotypes around the Baqaa camp threaten a number of important aspects of security

The stories collected through the Sprockler tool, allow us to conclude that the stereotypes negatively affect 4 aspects of human security in the Baqaa camp.

Personal security: Camp residents suffer from bullying and ostracism, which deprives them from employment and marriage opportunities. This image not only affects their sense of security, but also their personal security, as they may be surrounded by problems and negative expectations from the surrounding community.

When she was at university, a young man liked her and wanted to propose to her. When he spoke to his family about her and they asked him about her, he told them that she lives in Al-Baqaa camp, so they rejected her - a camp resident

Economic security: It is affected by stereotypes, as some residents are prevented from having access to employment or development opportunities due to them being from the camp. The transmission of misinformation reinforces the negative image of young people, affecting their opportunities in the labour market and exposing them to unemployment and marginalization.

Community security: The media play a role in reinforcing negative stereotypes by displaying inaccurate information and highlighting problems only. This affects the social relations of camp residents and jeopardizes their reputation. Population density and poor infrastructure lead to psychological stress and a sense of insecurity in the camp, increasing community security threats.

Environmental security: Environmental safety in the camp is largely threatened by the problem of accumulation and spread of waste inside the camp, which is the main problem that negatively affects the camp residents and creates a negative image of the camp itself and its residents.

The most important reasons that reinforce the stereotypes about the camp

I love the camp atmosphere, but people's view of the camp made me hate belonging to it - a camp resident

The reinforcement of the negative stereotypes of the camp is due to multiple factors. These factors include poor infrastructure and high population density, which result in an unfavourable environment inside the camp. In addition, inaction by associations may negatively impact human security. Disinformation and propaganda play an important role in the construction of the negative representation of the camp which in turn impedes its credibility. The resulting societal pressure undermines camp residents’ attempts to improve this representation. Moreover, negative actions by some individuals are generalized and lead to the neglect of the positive aspects about the camp. It leads to the adoption of the negative as a key characteristic of the camp. These are common factors that pose challenges for the camp and affect safety and social communication significantly.

What are the main problems in the camp according to others?

What are according to you the main (social) problems in the camp?

What is the impact of the stereotype of Baqaa camp on individuals?

  • Distrust
  • It affects because the media sheds light on the camp and gives it a negative image
  • No effect
  • Affects individuals, work and marriage
  • Lack of employment opportunities The negative view of the people of Al-Baqaa camp and their stigmatization with insulting descriptions, such as drug dealers and people of "knives".
  • It may affect one person greatly, and may not affect another person. It depends on the person.
  • Affects individuals, work and marriage
  • It has an impact because most of the local community have a bad idea about the camp
  • It doesn't help making ambition and achieving success
  • Absolute rejection of Baqaa residents
  • Ignorance, backwardeness, too many problems, lack of hygiene, early marriage
  • Bad
  • It could make them embarrassed about where they live and don't mention it in front of others.
  • Psychologically (decrease of self-confidence and not facing peoples' looks)
  • It gives a negative impression of the camp residents, even though they are very good people, and bad people exist everywhere
  • Depending on people... It is possible that some people have a negative look and some others don't. Especially if they do not live in the camp, they judge it negatively
  • It harms them
  • Negatively..
  • Negative effect
  • *
  • *
  • Barbarism
  • It may create a feeling of pride for some, and it may create a feeling of frustration and shame for others
  • There is an effect that varies from person to person
  • Does not affect
  • I don't think there is a negative effect

About the relationship with civil society

In the research, where Sprockler was used to ask respondents about civil society defending human rights, the responses varied between positive and negative. Some participants see the importance of civil society in defending rights, providing protection and promoting human rights in society. The civil society was described as forming a close-knit community that works to achieve a decent life for human beings and provide safety and stability. However, there are negative opinions as well. Some participants did not see an effective impact of civil society on community, and considered them empty slogans with no value or practical impact. Doubts about the organizations' external agendas have also influenced some opinions, but to a limited extent. Precise results were reached after analysing the data. Camp residents are interested in the role of (external) civil society organizations in community development, but their trust in these institutions has been damaged because of their cooperation with suspicious associations. They proposed they open offices within the camp or recruit youth from the camp to participate in the implementation of projects. Respondents suggested the formation of committees that study the needs of the community and include young people, while avoiding cooperation with associations to ensure credibility. They call for resuming dialogue and cooperation with civil society organizations. These results highlight the need for civil society to respond more to the needs of camp residents, and to strengthen trust with them to achieve social and economic developmental in the camp.

What is your relationship with civil society defending human rights?

Is the gap

How do you feel about civil society

What is the cause of this gap?

What are your suggestions to increase trust between civil society and citizens?

  • It should work in the right way... Expand its fields and include the camps...those who live in the camps are human beings like us
  • Networking with community members, all interconnected
  • Social cohesion is the pursuit of greater cohesion, increasing citizens' participation and creating opportunities to make progress among citizens and civil society.
  • Interactive dialogue between individuals, institutions and the local community, meetings with schools and associations, networking with the press and the media to stop the stereotype
  • Engaging the residents of Baqaa camp in the process of change
  • Integrate citizens into civil society to make them effective citizens.
  • Meetings of society and individuals, networking between associations and society
  • Cooperation, credibility, meetings between community members
  • Include our young men and women in defending our rights and improving the image of our camps by participating in community initiatives
  • Listen to people and work to solve their problems
  • There should be parties that act in words and actions to solve problems, listen to opinions , meeting citizens' needs
  • Increase communication and involve them in the necessary decision-making process for the camp to achieve more progress
  • Civil society should cooperate with citizens and listen to them and there should be safety.
  • Words and demands should be clear to both parties, rights and duties, and everyone knows their rights
  • Issuing laws to preserve and protect human rights, especially those of marginalized groups
  • Finding solutions to the problems of society
  • Amending laws for the benefit of citizens...
  • Intensifying activities with citizens, awareness-raising
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • Increasing the number of Baqaa camp councils in the Jordanian councils that represent the people because it is a source of knowledge for the majority of the people. Thus, it is possible to create another image of the camp that changes the thinking of some about the camp,
  • Holding meetings with the camp's elders and deputies to identify problems facing the community and to solve them gradually.
  • Having coherance between them
  • Inclusion of citizens in civil society's actions

Opportunities are not distributed according to needs, and are not based on a proper community study. Therefore, most young people feel marginalized from civil society because it does not meet their needs - a camp resident