Tjeko Baseline

Who are the children?




How children spend their free time to play

Where does the example take place?

Did children play alone or with others?

Who did the children play with?

Were there adults present in the children's stories?

How did the adults in your example react?

What kind of day was it?

In your example, did you…

In your example, did you….

How did you feel during the playtime in your example? (Select all that apply.)

What did you play with? (nothing, toys, sticks, dolls, ball, etc)

If you have no toys to play with…

During playtime…

Playtime at school

Think about the playtime area at your school. On a normal day...

Playtime on a regular school day is…

On the playground area…

My teacher thinks playtime for children is…

During playtime at school, the supervisor or teacher spends all his or her time…

In the example of the child, the child played….